期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In v ariou s research, an alys is and experimental cen ters and instit utions irrespective of th e area, th ere is a n ecessity of acquiring t he enormous amo unt of signals fro m variou s sou rces like sen sors, transducers, and vario us p arameter measurin g in struments and detectors. Th ere are d ifferent t echn iques an d sys tems to ach ieve the purp ose. This p aper discusses ab out t he FPGA bas ed d ata acquis ition sys tems . It p resents an an alytical review of the vario us FPGA bas ed d ata acquisitio n an d co ntrol syst ems, how a Data acqu isitio n bo ard commun icates wit h the fro nt en d d iagnostics, th e co ntrol PCs , what are t he b asic co mponents of data acqu isitio n system. It als o discusses abou t the h ardware used for interactio n of FP GA core of d ata acqu isitio n with th e co ntro l PC, t heir shortcomings . It t hen p roposes the altern ative solu tion to overcome those flaws bas ed on current need s of data acqu isition systems, and to make it mo re g eneralized , co st effectiv e an d wh ich w ill he lp it for mu lti -fun ction ing.