期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This paper is secured fuzzy vault implementation for different biometrics such as Finger Print, Iris andFinger Vein. To enhance the security and accuracy of identification, a novel fuzzy vault algorithm is implemented.Firstly, Enrollment stage the feature is extracted from finger print, Iris, finger vein respectively the extracted features isfused together. The fused image is encrypted and stored in the database. Secondly, Recognition stage the same personunique identity pattern is decrypted and simultaneously matched for providing high level secure authentication usingFuzzy vault encryption and decryption technique. Person unique identity pattern and verification is show that arecognition system which gives 0 percentages FAR (False Acceptance Rate) and FRR (False Rejection Rate) is notapplicable still now. To demonstrate the novel proposed algorithm has been stimulated form the result it is concludedthe new fuzzy vault technique has further reduced 46% of FAR (False Acceptance Rate) to enlarge the security level.Another term, the accuracy of identification has been improved to reduced 40% of FRR (False Rejection Rate)