期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:ECG’s are continuous record of electrical activity of heart. Automatic and accurate detections of ECGsignal characteristic points play a vital role in ECG signal analysis and diagnosis of arrhythmia. This paper presents analgorithm for removal of noise, detection of QRS complex, P and T wave detection and Heart rate. For QRS complex,P and T wave detection methods based on finding features of signal and thresholding. By calculating Heart Rate wedefine the signal as Normal, Bradycardia and Tachycardia. The performance of the algorithm was tested on MIT-BIHdatabase and using MATLAB software for implementation. The performance of QRS complex detection error rate(DER) 0.305%; Positive Predictivity 99.88% and sensitivity 99.80% using Sym8 for de-noise. T wave detected with98.71% sensitivity and P wave with 96.02% sensitivity.
关键词:ECG (Electrocardiogram); MIT-BIH database; QRS complex; P and T wave; wavelet