期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Cloud computing is computing paradigm in which task are assigned to a combination of connectionssoftware, hardware, services over the internet. Several trends are opening up the era of cloud computing which is usefor computer technology. Conceptually, users get computing platform from computing clouds and then inside runtheirapplications. Always cheaper and more powerful processors together with the software-as-a-service computingarchitecture. These are transforming data centers into of computing service on huge scale. The increasing networkbandwidth and reliable yet flexible network connections make it even possible that users can now subscribe highquality service from data and software that reside solely on remote data centers. Cloud offers great convenience to users„when transforming data into cloud since cloud client don‟t have to care about the complexities of direct hardwaremanagement