期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
DOI:10.15680/IJIRCCE.2015. 0309062
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Dynamic spectrum access techniques are proposed to solve the limited available spectrum andinefficient spectrum utilization problems. The key technology for dynamic spectrum access techniques is cognitiveradio networks. Cognitive radio sensor network (CRSN) is a recently emerging paradigm that aims to utilize the uniquefeatures provided by CR concept to incorporate additional capabilities to Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Therealization of CRSN depends on addressing many difficult challenges, posed by the unique characteristics of bothcognitive radio and sensor networks, and further amplified by their union. Nodes in the Networks (CRSNs) are limitedbattery powered. Therefore energy efficient routing has become an important optimization criterion in CRSN. Themodeling of the spectrum occupancy is a prerequisite for cognitive radio analysis. Optimization on the basis ofmodified leach algorithm was proposed other than the existing greedy algorithm. Accordingly network lifetimemaximization can be obtained through the proposed system. This paper attempts to provide an energywise routingalgorithm. The proposed algorithm checks out the transmission energy between the nodes regarding the distancebetween nodes and compared the performance of both the existing and MODLEACH. The proposed algorithm showsmore efficiency in energywise utilization and increased network lifetime with total transmission energy.