期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
DOI:10.15680/IJIRCCE.2015. 0308130
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This research work developed an adaptive algorithm that hybridizes call admission control, bandwidthdegradation and load balancing congestion control techniques to improve bandwidth utilization and minimizecongestion in mobile network. The developed hybrid algorithm is implemented using NetBeans IDE 6.9.1 platform toobtain performance metrics of blocking probability of new calls and dropping probability of handover calls. Thesimulation results obtained from the model recorded the New Call Blocking Probability (NCBP) of 0.003 andHandover Call Droppping Probability (HCDP) of 0.001. The developed model’s NCBP was better than the ITU-Tbenchmark standard of 0.01 and matched that of the HCDP of 0.001. Also, real life results from measured data ofEtisalat mobile network and simulated data results of the developed model were validated using statistical Welch’s TTest.The probability levels (p-values) of 0.034 for NCBP and 0.001 for HCDP obtained from T-Test, which are lessthan 0.05 imply that NCBP and HCDP reject the null hypothesis. Hence, there is significant difference between thedeveloped hybrid model and existing model from Etisalat mobile network at 95% confidence level, which alsoindicates that the developed model has better performance.