期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Delay Tolerant Networks are characterized by the sporadic connectivity between their nodes andtherefore the lack of stable end-to-end paths from source to destination. Since the future node connections are mostlyunknown in these networks, opportunistic forwarding is used to deliver messages. To making effective forwardingdecisions using only the network characteristics (i.e. average intermeeting time between nodes) extracted from contacthistory is a challenging problem. Based on the observations about human mobility traces and the findings of previouswork,introduce a new metric called conditional intermeeting time, which computes the average intermeeting timebetween two nodes relative to a meeting with a third node using only the local knowledge of the past contacts.Theylook at the effects of the proposed metric on the shortest path based routing designed for delay tolerant networks. Topropose Conditional Shortest Path Routing (CSPR) protocol that routes the messages over conditional shortest paths inwhich the cost of links between nodes is defined by conditional intermeeting times rather than the conventionalintermeeting times.Through trace-driven simulations, to demonstrate that CSPR achieves higher delivery rate and lowerend-to-end delay compared to the shortest path based routing protocols that use the conventional intermeeting time asthe link metric.