期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Present paper is an attempt to automatically detect leaf diseases. Automatic Detection of Leaf Disease isan essential research topic in agricultural research as it may prove benefits in monitoring fields, and early detection ofleaf diseases by the symptoms that appear on the leaves. This paper provides various methods for leaf disease detectionusing Image Processing. The developed system consists of Image Acquisition, Image Pre-Processing, ImageSegmentation and Feature Extraction. Image Pre-Processing involves HSI transformation, RGB splitting. ImageSegmentation involves selecting best segmentation method among Region based segmentation and Mean-ShiftSegmentation based on Quality Metric Parameters, Histogram analysis and Computational Time analysis. Featureextraction involves extracting morphological and color features for each disease spot.
关键词:Region Based Segmentation Methods; Mean-Shift Segmentation Method; Quality Metric Parameters;Hue Value Feature Extraction