期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:As cloud provide facility for the user to store their data easily as well as good quality of cloudapplications which is need not install in any local hardware and software system. such a service is also gives userscontrol of their outsourced data, which also provides control to the security problems regarding the correctness of thedata storage in the cloud. The important roal of cloud computing the data protection, secure and the process data storedunder the property of users. Data which is stored at the server how that cloud users will get the confirmation aboutdata which is to be stored. That’s why cloud storage should have some technique and mechanism which will specifycorrectness of data storage and integrity of data stored on cloud. For this reasons the users can refer to a third-partyauditor (TPA) which is to check the integrity of outsourced data ,TPA should be able to efficiently audit the datastorage on cloud . To proposed an effective and also secure TPA auditing process. In this paper, we propose systemfor a cloud storage which is the secure and supporting privacy-preserving public auditing. The proposed systemperform for multiple users auditing process simultaneously and efficiently