期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In netwo rk tr affic pattern d ue t o a l arge vol ume of packet s o rigi nating from a s mal l ar ea. D evelo p a real istic adv ersary mo del, assumi ng th at t he ad versary can mo nito r t he n et work traffic i n mult ipl e area. Int rod uci ng a no vel attack cal led H otspo t -Locati ng where t he ad versary uses traffic analysis techn iqu es to lo cate hot spo ts . The mob ile nod es wh ich ch an ge t hei r l ocat ion to better characterize t he sensing area, or to for ward d ata from the so urce nod es to the si nk. Using lo w-cost di sp osab le mo bile rel ays to red uce th e total ener gy co nsumpt io n o f data in tensive WSNs. D ue to the li mited storage cap acity of senso r no des, most data must b e transmitt ed to t he b ase station for arch ivi ng and analysi s. H owever, sen so r nod es mu st op erate on li mited po wer supp lies such as b at teri es or small sol ar panels .