期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Ultrasound (US) imaging is the modality of choice in many clinical applications compared to otherimaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT). US images are patient-specific, operator-dependent, andmachine specific. However these US images are affected by signal dropouts, artefacts, missing boundaries, attenuation,shadows, and speckle, making US one of the most challenging modalities to work with. Earlier work presentsqualitative and quantitative segmentation evaluation of the representative selection method submitted to Challenge US:Biometric Measurements from Fetal Ultrasound Images. In this a total of five teams submitted their results to the fetalhead sub-challenge and two teams to the fetal femur sub-challenge, including one team who attempted both. The resultsof the fetal head sub-challenge shows good performance whereas a fetal femur sub-challenge faces the problem insolving a very hard segmentation problem, since the object of interest has strong appearance changes within the object.To deal with this problem the present work proposes smoothing algorithm to smoothen the other elongated objects arepresent around the femur bone. This algorithm works by computing the optimal fixed range bandwidth in the USimage. Finally the proposed work is experimentally evaluated and thus obtains improved result when compare with theexisting system.
关键词:Segmentation; Smoothing algorithm; Optimal fixed range bandwidth; Performance evaluation