期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:A biometric system is a computer system which is used to identify the person on their behavioural andphysiological characteristic like fingerprint, face, iris, key-stroke, signature, voice, vein, etc. But now a day’s biometricsystems are attacked by using fake biometrics. With the great convenience of computer graphics the image can beeasily altered. Many fake images are produced whose content is affected. Thus, the images cannot be judged whetherthey are real or fake, in this, a fake detection uses singular value decomposition (SVD) as a classifier to make a binarydecision on whether an image is fake or real. A typical biometric system consists of detecting, feature extraction, andidentical modules. This work is an improvements process to an existence method to detect fake image using SVD. Theexperimental results prove the effectiveness of this algorithm to detect any small changes in image even with one dot ofreal image. This introduces three biometric techniques which are Vein recognition, face recognition (Multi BiometricSystem) and also concentrate on online attendance management.
关键词:Singular value decomposition; multi biometric; online attendance system; vein recognition