期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:MANETs are a collection of unstructured wireless mobile nodes which provides independence andscalability for mobile networks. It is composed of moving mobile nodes that are battery operated. In AODV routingprotocol, first of all broadcast the hello message to discover the Neighbor node and then source node broadcast RREQ(Route Request) packet to Neighbor node for finding path to the destination node. If The Neighbor node having lessenergy, as well broadcast RREQ and it lifetime expires after some certain time (i.e. node goes down), it cannot forwardRREP (Route Reply) on reverse path and also cannot carry the data from the source node that’s why source node has torebroadcast RREQ that results is overhead of the RREQ message, less packet delivery ratio and throughput and moreenergy consumed. These problem have to be solved so here can proposed energy efficient AODV algorithm basedrouting protocol. In this paper proposed, source node does not send any data packet; until no enough energy (batterylife time) of intermediate node and received RREP of its neighbouring exceeds a particular threshold. In this paper alsosuggested two approaches for making energy efficient algorithm. The performance of the proposed protocol willsimulate with the help of NS-2.34 simulator for various scenario using different parameter, also survey on energyefficient algorithm. At last finally we concluded that the proposed protocol improves energy efficiency, networkthroughput and network lifetimes.