期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This paper describes, to monitor the signals of ECG, Body temperature, Heart rate are measured andgiven to ARM controller. Through GSM/GPRS modem updated parameters are sending directly to the doctor’s mobilephone/nearby hospital web portal doctor can also query about the human health through GSM by SMS. In addition tothat if elderly people need to operate any electrical devices, can help them by providing RF Remote control. Atabnormal conditions buzzer or voice message will alert the disabled and elderly person. When the fall is detected GSM(Global System for Mobile communication) modem transmits these events to the mobile phones of care takers/relatives of the fallen human. This alert message helps to provide immediate assistance and treatment.
关键词:ARM controllers; Human fall detection; Heart rate; Body Temperature; Abnormal conditions;controlling electrical appliances