出版社:International Medical Journal Management and Indexing System
摘要:Objective: This study aimed to determine invasive instrument-related infections in the general intensive care unit by comparative evaluation of the annual infection control measures. Methods: A surveillance study was made based on the data of 1494 patients treated for 48 hours in the general intensive care unit (GICU) between January 2008 and December 2012. Results: The hospital infection (HI) rates of the GICU for each year of the study period were calculated as 29.15%, 28.85%, 16.62%, 18.05% and 8.30% respectively. For each 1000 patient days, the infection rates for each year were calculated as ventilator-related pneumonia (VRP) 2.31, 4.32, 2.77, 11.49 9.62, central venous catheter-related bloodstream infections (CVCRBI) 1.57, 2.23, 8.58, 0.56, 1.03, and catheter-related urinary system infections (CRUSI) 6.00, 7.09, 4.35, 4.57, 3.17. When the infection agents were isolated and evaluated, the infection rates were determined as 61.92% Gr(-) bacteria infections, 20.89% fungal infections and 17.16% Gr(+) bacteria infections. Conclusions: Although the infection control precautions which were taken improved urinary and central catheter infection rates, no significant fall was obtained in rates of ventilator-related pneumonia. It can be concluded that it is necessary to increase the infection control precautions in this area to reduce infection rates.
关键词:Hospital infection; intensive care unit; invasive device-associated infection