期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:Recently, in the world of digital technologies especially in computer world, there is a tremendous increase incrimes. So investigation of such cases deserves a much more importance. Computer Investigation is the process of uncovering andinterpreting process of electronic data for use in computer forensic analysis. Text clustering is an automatic grouping of text documentsinto clusters so that documents within a cluster have high similarity in comparison to one another, but are dissimilar to documents inother clusters. We are carrying out extensive experimentation with two well-known clustering algorithms K-means and Hierarchicalsingle/Complete/Average Link. In this the number of unstructured text files is given as input and the output is generated in structuredformat. Previous experiments have been performed with different combinations of algorithms and parameters. Related studies in theliterature are significantly more limited than our study. Our studies show that the K-means and Hierarchical algorithms provide thebest results for our application domain