期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:The role of the television has huge impact on the 21st century and basically the televisions either make use of SFN single frequencynetworks (SFN) or multi frequency networks (MFN) and both these networks are ideal for meeting the practical requirements either inlocal and global services. Another important drawback in these two networks are these two networks consumes huge amount ofspectrum. The single frequency networks (SFN) main approach is it radiates the same amount of signal both in terms of time andfrequency and Without violating the SFN principle, local services meant to address sub-regions of an SFN must therefore be transmittedthroughout the whole network, causing inefficient distribution of local services. A novel approach has been proposed in this paper wherehigh equipped next generation mobile broadcasting standard digital video broadcasting—next generation handheld for providing globaland local contents in SFN topologies: hierarchical modulation (H-LSI) and orthogonal local services insertion (O-LSI) techniques. HLSIuses hierarchical modulation to transmit local services on top of the global services in areas close to the transmitters, by transmittingthe local services in the low priority stream and the global services in the high priority stream. The O-LSI scheme specifies groups ofOFDM subcarriers in specific OFDM symbols for the exclusive use of particular transmitters to transmit local services. For bothtechniques, the transmission of local content through the whole SFN network can be scheduled in a way that different local areas do notinterfere with each other. In addition to the description of both H-LSI and O-LSI schemes, the applicability of these approaches in termsof network topologies, implementation issues, and performance evaluation are analyzed
关键词:single frequency networks (SFN); Multi frequency networks (MFN); OFDM; DVB-NGH; hierarchical modulation; local;services; orthogonal local services insertion