期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:In the paper a method for multiple antenna communication with switching of users between different antenna loads is presentedfor cognitive radios networks, this process is an enhancement to the problem of spectrum sharing, after the detection is processed forspectrum space, the paper also discusses about the CR basics and importance of spectrum management. The performance of the proposedsystem is assessed by calculating the total average power of primary to secondary receiver and the overall SEP (Symbol Error Probability).
关键词:CR; primary user; QPSK; modulation; spectrum sensing; MIMO;1. INTRODUCTION;The cognitive radios are capable of providing a reliable way;of communication to users. This technique helps in;determining presence of licensed users in the spectrum.;Apart from doing so; it also makes it possible to know about;the exact portion of the spectrum which is being utilized.;The main objective behind the use of cognitive radios is that;it makes the unlicensed user well aware of the presence of;the licensed user so as to reduce the interference caused by;them to licensed users.A cognitive radio is basically an;intelligent system which is well aware of its vicinity and;learns form it in order to make adaptations in its internal;states based on the RF stimuli which it receives by carrying;out changes in its corresponding operational parameters on;real time basis [1].The cognitive radio possess the ability to;coordinate the usage of the spectrum in an autonomous;manner. The primary function is to detect the unused part of;the spectrum and then to make use of this portion of the;spectrum in an intelligent way.;With the