期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:To detecting connectivity failure around the wireless sensor network by using Adaptive Load-Balancing Algorithm (ALBA) forfind the solution to identify the localization errors. Rainbow mechanism is used to differentiate grouping sensor nodes by various colors.Both Adaptive Load-Balancing Algorithm and Rainbow mechanism (ALBA-R) are detects connectivity holes in network, a protocol forconverge casting in wireless sensor networks. ALBA-R features are used in existing system for detecting localization error in the sensornetwork. Information can be gathered from node location; during end to end transmission of data packet loss will occur because of traffic inthe transmission path. Even though connectivity failure occurred in wireless sensor network should increases the path cost of datatransmission. To Propose Hole Healing algorithm to identify and heal holes in the network. The hole detection mechanism is used to solvethe connection failure in between sensor nodes. The limited numbers of nodes neighboring the hole, only those nodes are involved in theprocess of moving and repairing the hole. Implementing Hole Healing Algorithm by using ns-2 simulation, for increasing performance byfinding Localization error and solving those problems.