期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:In this paper, we consider the mobile ad hoc network (MANET) which consists of two types of mobile nodes called traditionaland relay nodes. The traditional node has limited energy whereas the relay node has relatively abundant energy. The primary objective ofthis paper is to minimize the power consumption in the mobile ad hoc networks. The main idea behind the proposed relay node deploymentframework is to efficiently deploy the relay nodes, so that the traditional nodes can utilize them as intermediate hops for communication.This improves the energy efficiency across the traditional node thereby maximizing the network life time. The proposed framework utilizesthe mobility prediction scheme and works in tandem with the underlying MANET routing protocol called Maximum-Residual EnergyRouting Protocol (MRERP). Two strategies of the relay deployment problem are presented together with the solutions, to achieve differentgoals. Strategy 1, termed Min-Total, aims to minimize the total energy consumed across all the traditional nodes during data transmission,while strategy 2, termed Minimum-Maximum, aims to minimize the maximum energy consumed by a traditional node during datatransmission. Our solution enables the prioritization of individual nodes in the network based on residual energy profiles. Results indicatethat the proposed framework results in significant energy savings, even when the relay nodes constitute a small fraction of the total nodes inthe network.
关键词:controlled mobility; MANETs; relay nodes; energy efficiency; mobility prediction.