期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:In the field of IMAGE PROCESSING hand gesture recognition is one of the most interesting and challenging genre. Gesturerecognition is basically a non-verbal way of communication. Under this title, we will be basically developing a system whichrecognizes human hand gestures performed in front of the personal computer and uses this gesture for performing movementof a robotic car placed in the vicinity. In this paper web camera is used, after the grabbing of the image we subject the imageto image processing algorithms like gray scaling, thresholding , blur, blob detection, segmentation and finally vectorcalculation. The system will use a single, color camera mounted above a neutral colored desk surface next to the computer.The paper briefly describes the schemes of capturing the image from web camera, image detection, processing the image torecognize the gestures as well as few results. This approach can be implemented in real time system very easily .
关键词:Hand gesture recognition; web camera; image processing algorithms