期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:In wireless cellular environment the handoff algorithm determine when the handoff will occur and at which base station.Heterogeneous network such as UMTS, WLAN, WiMax where vertical hand off is required further challenges the cellular network. Thispaper provides an adaptive multiple attribute vertical hand of algorithm which allows wireless networks to select a mobile terminal usingfuzzy logic concept. The main contribution of this paper is to propose adaptive data rate oriented speed and capacity based vertical hand ofschemes which not only considers velocity, signal strength but also considers network bandwidth utilization for achieving load balancingnamed as adaptive data rate adjustment. This enables the user in achieving quality of service in heterogeneous network and provides freemoving experience. A performance study using heterogeneous network such UMTS, WLAN, WiMax, as example shows that our proposedvertical hand off algorithm is able to determine when the hand off is required and selects the best access network that is optimized tonetwork conditions , quality of service requirement , user preference , service cost , mobile terminal conditions
关键词:Vertical handoff; heterogeneous wireless network; adaptive data rate; mobile terminal