期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:With the vast growing gadgets, their usage and their developments led to the advancement in theWi-Fi which provides a technology so called Li-Fi.Li-Fi is a technology that makes use of LED light whichhelps in the transmission of data much more faster and flexible than data that can be transmitted through Wi-Fi.Light reaches nearly everywhere so communication can also go along with light freely. Light Fidelity is abranch of optical wireless communication which is an emerging technology. By using visible light astransmission medium, Li-Fi provides wireless indoor communication. The bit rate achieved by Li-Fi cannot beachieved by Wi-Fi.. Dr herald Haas the professor of mobile communications at the university of Edinburghschool of engineering ,first time publically displayed the proof of Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) ,a method of VisibleLight communication(VLC). Li-Fi is the transfer of data through light by taking fiber out of fiber optics andsending data through LED light.He envisions a future where data for laptops, smart phones, and tablets istransmitted through the light in a room. And security would be snap – if you can’t see the light, you can’t accessthe data