期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:Cloud computing is a kind of distributed computing over the internet i.e. it can run a program or application on more thanone computer at the same time. It is divided into three categories namely: (i) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), (ii) Platform as a service(PaaS), and (iii) Software as a service (SaaS). Software as a service is a kind of service which provides many benefits to the serviceconsumers. A customized quality model is necessary to evaluate the quality of SaaS cloud service. In this paper we identify the featuresof SaaS. The traditional quality model does not consider features of SaaS like security and quality of service. So, In this paper, wepropose a new quality model for the security, quality of service, and software quality for software as a service. Moreover the results areused as identification for the SaaS quality management
关键词:computing; Software as a Service (SaaS); Quality model; Software metrics