期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:Companies can greatly reduce IT costs byoffloading data and computation to cloudcomputing services. Still, many companies arereluctant to do so, mostly due to outstandingsecurity concerns. A recent study [2] surveyedmore than 500 chief executives and IT managersin 17 countries, and found that despite thepotential benefits, executives “trust existinginternal systems over cloud-based systems due tofear about security threats and loss of control ofdata and systems”. One of the most seriousconcerns is the possibility of confidentialityviolations. Either maliciously or accidentally,cloud provider’s employees can tamper with orleak a company’s data. Such actions can severelydamage the reputation or finances of a company.In order to prevent confidentiality violations,cloud services’ customers might resort toencryption. While encryption is effective insecuring data before it is stored at the provider, itcannot be applied in services where data is to becomputed, since the unencrypted data must residein the memory of the host running thecomputation. In Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)cloud services such as Amazon’s EC2, theprovider hosts virtual machines (VMs) on behalfof its customers, who can do arbitrarycomputations. In these systems, anyone withprivileged access to the host can read ormanipulate a customer’s data. Consequently,customers cannot protect their VMs on their own.Cloud service providers are making a substantialeffort to secure their systems, in order to minimizethe threat of insider attacks, and reinforce theconfidence of customers. For example, theyprotect and restrict access to the hardwarefacilities, adopt stringent accountability andauditing procedures, and minimize the number ofstaff who have access to critical components ofthe infrastructure [8]. Nevertheless, insiders thatadminister the software systems at the providerbackend ultimately still possess the technicalmeans to access customers’ VMs. Thus, there is aclear need for a technical solution that guaranteesthe confidentiality and integrity of computation, ina way that is verifiable by the customers of theservice.