期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:Wavelet Transform is a time-frequencyrepresentation of the input signal. Realization ofwavelet transform on field-programmable gatearray (FPGA) device for the detection of powersystem disturbances is proposed in this thesis. Thisapproach provides an integral signal-processingparadigm, where its embedded wavelet basis servesas a window function to monitor the signalvariations very efficiently. By using this technique,the time information and frequency informationcan be unified as a visualization scheme, facilitatingthe supervision of electrical power signals. Toimprove its computation performance, theproposed method starts with the softwaresimulation of wavelet transform in order toformulate the mathematical model. This is followedby the circuit synthesis and timing analysis for thevalidation of the designated circuit. Then, thedesignated portfolio is programmed into the FPGAchip through the download cable. And thecompleted prototype is tested through softwaregeneratedsignals, in which test scenarios coveringseveral kinds of electrical power qualitydisturbances are examined thoroughly.