期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:In recent years we are experiencing the tremendous growth in Online Social Networks (OSNs) and become a de facto portal forhundreds of millions of Internet users. Digital social interactions and information security are the means offered by these OSNs, but alsoraise a number of security and privacy issues. In OSNs users are restricted to access the shared data, but they currently do not provide anymechanism to enforce privacy concerns over data associated with multiple users. In our paper, we propose an approach to enable theprotection of shared data associated with multiple users in OSNs. We also formulate an access control model to capture the essence ofmultiparty authorization requirements, along with a multiparty policy specification scheme and a policy enforcement mechanism. To theend, we discuss a proof-of-concept prototype of our approach as part of an application in Facebook and provide usability study and systemevaluation of our method
关键词:Social network; multiparty access control;security model; policy specification and management