期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:Ants are hypothetical sophisticated agents,which done their job autonomously and has capability oflearning through their experience. It makes anenvironment that can accomplish the vision of makingnode able to understand and utilize information obtainablein a given situation. It discover their tools in a broadvariety of isolated optimization problems, these problemsare finding dynamic shortest path in telecommunicationnetwork, sensor scheduling, continuous optimization &much more. In particular, ants have inspired a number ofmethods and techniques among which the most studiedand the most successful is the general purposeoptimization technique known as ant colony optimization.Ants track the theory of “STIGMERGY”. Stigmergy is acircuitous form of communication mediated by theenvironment: insects exchange information by modifyingtheir environment