期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:One of the most recent research areas over the lasttwo decades is the navigation of mobile robots in unknownenvironments. In this paper, real time navigation for WheeledMobile Robot (WMR) using fuzzy logic technique, wirelesscommunication and MATLAB is investigated. Two fuzzylogic controllers (FLCs) with two inputs and two outputs areused to navigate WMR in obstacle ridden environment. Ourwork combines the behaviors of reaching the target andobstacle avoidance. Goal Seeking Fuzzy Logic Controller(GSFLC) and Fuzzy Logic for Obstacles Avoiding (FLOA)work simultaneously to navigate the robot to its target. Thetarget of this work is to use the WMR in many applications,such as a construction sites or warehouse with dynamicenvironment. The proposed methods are applied usingsimulation and experimentation to show the success of thesuggested methods.
关键词:Robotics; Navigation; Wheeled Mobile Robot;Wireless Communication; Matlab; Fuzzy Logic