期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:Probably everybody has heard of Artificial Intelligence (AI forshort), but relatively few people have a really good idea of whatthe term really means. My purpose here is to introduce a few ofthe basic ideas behind AI, and to try and offer a means bywhich people can come to grips with the current state of the artin the field. Roughly speaking, Artificial Intelligence is thestudy of man-made computational devices and systems whichcan be made to act in a manner which we would be inclined tocall intelligent. The birth of the field can be traced back to theearly 1950s. The fundamental strategy which lay behind allthese successes led to the proposal of what is known as thePhysical Symbol Systems Hypothesis, by Newell and Simon in1976. The Physical Symbol System Hypothesis amounts to adistillation of the theory which lay behind much of the workwhich had gone on up until that date and was proposed as ageneral scientific hypothesis. Newell and Simon (1976: p. 41)wrote;"A physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficientmeans for general intelligent action."Although there has been a great deal of controversy aboutexactly how this hypothesis should be interpreted, there are twoimportant conclusions which have been drawn from it. The firstconclusion is that computers are physical symbol systems, inthe relevant sense, and thus there are grounds (should thehypothesis be correct) to believe that they should be able toexhibit intelligence. The second conclusion is that, as wehumans also are intelligent, we too must be physical symbolsystems and thus are in a significant sense, similar tocomputers.