期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:This paper is introduced the new self enrichment stream cipheralgorithms named as “PC1-RC4” and “PC2-RC4”, to improvethe security of the RC4 algorithm and proposed to use over theinternet Network and for internet applications like: E-CommerceApplication where RC4 algorithm already applied forconfidentiality. The RC4 stream cipher algorithm is most usedalgorithm to provide the confidentiality over the differentnetworks. The different networks like: Sensor, wireless, Internet,Mobile and so on, used this algorithm for making secure the dataduring transmission. But the issue concern to RC4 algorithm isthat RC4 algorithm is not secure. Lots of practical attacks andweaknesses detects over the RC4 stream cipher. So in thisconcern, this paper is working. And, proposed the new selfenrichment algorithms to making secure the RC4 algorithm withbreaking all the attacks over the RC4 algorithm and proposed touse over the internet network and internet application. The RC4algorithm is two stages algorithm. The two stages are PRGA andKSA. Vulnerabilities are found in both the stages. So in thesenew self enrichment stream cipher algorithms “PC1-RC4” and“PC2-RC4” is based on new algorithm process inside the KSAand PRGA