期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:Designing a protocol stack for wireless sensor network (WSN)is a challenging task due to energy, computational and storageconstraints. Energy spent for communication between sensornodes dominates the energy spent for the computation [10].Multi-hop short range communication between wireless sensorsnodes is energy efficient compared to single-hop long rangecommunication. Hierarchical clustering is one of the possiblesolutions to save energy of wireless sensor nodes. Low-EnergyAdaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), Centralized Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH-C) andAdvanced Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy(ALEACH) are energy efficient hierarchical clustering routingprotocol. In this paper we proposed Coverage based Low-EnergyAdaptive Clustering Hierarchy routing protocol – CVLEACH tomake uniform distribution of Cluster Heads (CHs) by creatingnon-overlapped cluster regions using overhearing properties ofthe sensor nodes, which makes the routing protocol more energyefficient and prolongs life time of a wireless sensor network.Simulation results show that CVLEACH improves network lifetime compared to LEACH and ALEACH algorithms
关键词:Wireless sensor networks; Energy efficient LEACH;Coverage based LEACH; RSSI based LEACH; overhearing