摘要:This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of publications that deal with the subjects Dynamic Capabilities and Strategy, in the databases Web of Science and Scopus, in the period of 1995-2014, and identify which topics are being studied on this subject and which are the most relevant (hot topics), making a comparison of the results found in the two databases (Web of Science and Scopus). The study has a quantitative approach seeking to quantify some variables related to the scientific literature on the topic searched. The analysis of the publications on Dynamic Capabilities and Strategy from 1995 to 2014, found 137 publications on Web of Science and 161 on Scopus. By comparing both surveyed bases, it appears that the number of publications increased dramatically in the last decade, and that the United States rank first in the number of publications. It is noticeable that, in both databases, the authors of the cited publications are among the authors who have published more in the period. It was also found that the publications that are the most quoted are the same on both the WoS and the Scopus base. Finally, it is recommended for future studies of this nature that researches are made with more width, involving national and international academic events, scientific journals or other major scientific databases