摘要:Amint arr¨®l a r¨¦g¨¦szeti lel.helyeken tal¨¢lt f.ldm.vel. eszk.z.k sz¨¢m¨¢b¨®l k.vetkeztethet¨¹nk a mai Szerbia ter¨¹let¨¦n a k.z¨¦pkori lakoss¨¢g z.me mez. gazdas¨¢ggal foglalkozott. Cikk¨¹nkben n¨¦prajzi, k¨¦pi ¨¦s ¨ªrott forr¨¢sok, valamint r¨¦g¨¦szeti ¨¦s r¨¦g¨¦szeti ¨¢llattani leletek alapj¨¢n tekintj¨¹k ¨¢t a k.z¨¦pkori talajm.vel¨¦s m¨®dszereit ¨¦s az eke t¨ªpusainak fejl. d¨¦s¨¦t. Megvitatjuk azokat a saj¨¢tos k¨®ros elv¨¢ltoz¨¢sokat, amelyeket az ig¨¢s¨¢llatok v¨¦gtagjainak diszt¨¢lis r¨¦szein az intenz¨ªv munka okozhat. Szerbi¨¢ban a k.z¨¦pkor folyam¨¢n a sz¨¢nt¨¢sban k¨¦t k¨¹l.nb.z. t¨ªpus¨² eszk.z, a t¨²r¨®eke (ralo) ¨¦s az ¨¢gyeke (plug) volt haszn¨¢latban. Ezeket ¨¢ltal¨¢ban egy p¨¢r .k.r h¨²zta. A munkav¨¦gz¨¦ssel kapcsolatos k¨®ros elv¨¢ltoz¨¢sok voltak megfigyelhet. k k¨¦t a XIV. sz¨¢zad m¨¢sodik fel¨¦re keltezett k.z¨¦pkori lel. hely r¨¦g¨¦szeti ¨¢llattani leletegy¨¹ttes¨¦ben
其他摘要:During medieval times the majority of the population in the territory of present-day Serbia dealt with agriculture, as evidenced by a number of farming tools found at archaeological sites. In this paper, ethnological, iconographic, textual, archaeological and arhaeozoological evidence for the method of medieval tillage and the typological evolution of the plough are presented. Specific pathological changes in the distal parts of the limbs potentially caused by the intensive use of animals in draught work are also discussed. Two different types of ploughing devices ¨C usually pulled by a pair of oxen were used ¨C ralo (ard) and plug (mouldboard plough), in Serbia during the Middle Ages. Work-related pathologies were observed in faunal assemblages from two medieval sites dated to the second half of the 14 th century