摘要:Purpose: This paper is on the growing importance of Green Human Resource perspective for small and medium-sized enterprises. There are a lot of small firms that experience crucial human resource difficulties, but in the same manner, human resources also act a main role in developing and sustaining their competitive resources in employee performances. The main focus of this research paper is to explore the different aspects of Green human resource management and also analyze barriers which occur during the implementation of its practices as well as study the green approach influence on training and developments, performance management and recruitment. To present a comprehensive literature review of green HR practices in Pakistani SMEs, we did online survey questionnaire. Design/methodology/approach: Likert scale is used according to the adoption of green human resource practices and examines how the practices have positively influence on employee performance.We used 5 point Likert scale from the sample of 140 employees of 42 SMEs. But 132 useable responses were received. The data was analyzed in SPSS 20. Descriptive statistics and correlation tests were applied to get the result. The research question was that is there a significant relationship between green HR practices and employee performance. The results showed a positive relationship between green HR practices and employee performance and used pearson correlation on two variables green HR practices and employee performance and the correlation itself was .627 Findings: The findings indicate that the green HR practices are influenced by several factors (Age, Experience, and Gender). All these factors influenced on the employee performance in the sample to adopt green human resource practices. Originality/value: The basic signification of this paper is that SMEs, particularly in the developing domestic and collectively owned small firms, in Pakistan, may see positively the benefits of paying greater considerations and attention to HR practices for gaining their future progress promisingly in employee performance.
关键词:Green HRM; Green HR practices; Employee performance; T&D; Recruitment