摘要:In early 2014, a team of researchers was invited into partnership with the Māori Success Initiative (MSI), a national, indigenous led network of Māori and non-Māori principals committed to working collaboratively to raise Māori student achievement. Working with over sixty principals across six regional clusters throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, these researchers utilised critical Kaupapa Māori methodology to observe, engage, and support MSI’s vision of A Change in the Hearts and Minds of Principals in mainstream contexts. Qualitative data collected from leadership surveys, hui reflective statements, and other documents were analysed to validate and strengthen MSI’s efforts to establish a critical mass of effective school leadership practices that promote and sustain Māori success as Māori. This paper highlights the research and outcomes resulting from evaluating the personal and professional growth of MSI leaders. Finally, implications for effective, culturally responsive leadership for Māori success as Māori are provided.