摘要:With the rapid development of science and theory study, the genetic algorithm based on natural evolution system theory research, has been applied in various fields, but the local search ability of genetic algorithm is not strong, although rely on strong global convergence can quickly reach the near optimal solution, but to search for the best solution to also want to take a long time, especially for offspring inherit father generation gene, reduced the degree of the diversity of population, makes the algorithm easy to fall into local convergence. For this purpose, the sensor node localization based on improved genetic algorithm is put forward, through multiple sensors of simple structure, low cost, integration of communication interface network group, via the network group environment to establish a sensor node sampling module node localization analysis, to pinpoint genetic algorithm search process. The simulation experiments show that the sensor node localization based on improved genetic algorithm can effectively improve the local search ability, and the search accuracy and shorten the search time, and in the distributed search, positioning speed, high precision and reliability is strong, effective for the research of genetic algorithm for better security.
关键词:Genetic algorithm; Local search. The sensor; Node localization