期刊名称:International Journal of Security and Its Applications
摘要:In line with the e-Government strategy, Korea has implemented a global standard electronic signature and certification system since the Electronic Signature Act was enacted by Act No. 5792 in 1999. Over a decade Korea has been using the electronic signature and certification system in daily life. In the cyberspace where the contracting parties cannot meet face to face, electronic signatures and authentication are inevitable. On the other hand, with the explosive use of smart devices, some critics argue that the current certified electronic signature is regarded as uncomfortable system in electronic commerce. They also point out that such certified electronic signature system is not commonly used in foreign countries. Yet, so far, the accredited certificate is still the most reliable method even though the usage of accredited certificates presumably decreases in the areas that do not require security significantly. Thus, it must be unwise to discard the accredited electronic signature on account of an "unnecessary obstacle". Therefore, legal and technical issues regarding the accredited certificate need to be discussed. Additionally, methods to promote certified electronic signature and to improve certification system should be explored.