期刊名称:WAAC Newsletter / Western Association for Art Conservation
出版社:Western Association for Art Conservation (WAAC)
摘要:When I received my copy of the new book Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, which is the most recent pub lication in the Getty Conservation Institute's series "Readings in Conservation," I could tell even as I un- wrapped it that it would be something special. As I opened it and with growing excitement peru sed the Table of Contents, I found myself thinking nostalgically of a period in the past when as a co nservation student there were so many books th at I turned to with an eager anticipation of discovery. In time comes familiarity, the texts become references, and fewer publicatio ns appear with such excitement and nov - elty. Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, now that I've had time to examine it more fully, turns out to have profound value that fleshes out my initial interest in a most satisfying way. This will be a reference I tu rn to many times, in itially to recapture something of that eagerness of my stu- dent days, later as a memory refresher as any true reference will be; and also as a very useful tool in teaching.