摘要:The focus on trans* 1 individuals as researcher subjects often problematizes trans* identity, limiting the possibility for trans* individuals to create and co-create bodies of knowledge. Drawing on thr ee years of par ticipator y research in the animal production industr y, I discuss the implications of my subjectiv it y as a t ran s* man in th is pa rticula r sett ing a nd in my research more broadly. Beyon d being a self-re. exive exercise, this study se eks to make a number of theoretical and empirical contributions. First, feminist literature discussing one's subjectivity has largely focused on the dialectical existence betwe en men and women, wit h litt le room for trans* or gender diverse perspectives. Further, st udies that have ack nowle dged trans* identity have done so in relation to trans* persons as research sub - jects, with no recog nition of their positionality or the possibility of the trans* researcher. This study seeks to change these paradigms by extending curre nt feminist re search frameworks on subjectivity to include greater gender diversity.
关键词:Gender; Feminist Methodology; Transgender; Feminist Re search; Subjectivity; Trans