期刊名称:Akademos: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă
出版社:Academy of Sciences of Moldova
摘要:This article refl ects the authors’ visionsof certain modalities of interaction and integration ofpolicies, mechanisms and existing factors of economicgrowth based on innovation. Institutional reformsshould be directed towards changing the paradigm ofeconomic policy in the country and the state will takethe initiative to create a favourable environment forbusiness activities which will provide employment,income growth, the export of products with high addedvalue and increase in budgetary revenues. Implementationof innovational policy norms may lead toa number of improvements in the country’s economicactivity such as: the creation of new jobs, increasingthe competitiveness and productivity of the country’seconomy, increase of export potential, the developmentof innovative SMEs, etc. To do this the policy must begeared towards solving innovative problems aimedat consolidation of innovation capacity at the countrylevel by stimulating all the ways of innovative activityincluding the attraction of foreign and local investors.