期刊名称:Akademos: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă
出版社:Academy of Sciences of Moldova
摘要:Scientifi c report, made by famous stage director Ion Ungureanu at the academic conference, on May 7 th , 2009, with the occasion of awarding him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, refers to a very signifi cant problem, announced just in the title. Considering theatre to be the most important kind of art to re. ect the human being, consciousness and life of man's soul, the author traces some main stages of those changes, that have taken place since ancient times till now under the in. uence of the phenomenon of faith, as well as under the absence of such an in. uence, when spiritual values and ideals are substituted with those false of ideology in the both societies of East and West. Addressing to such plays as Medeea by Euripides, Nora by H. Ibsen, The 41 st by B. Lavreniov, Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf. by E. Albee, Casa mare and Doina by I. Drutse, Minodora by A. Strimbeanu, it gives a possibility to reveal an essential role of the theatre in society's life and history, the role once determined by the great Shakespeare as to be "a mirror and a brief chronicle of the age".