期刊名称:International Review of Management and Business Research
期号:2Part 2
出版社:Academy of IRMBR
摘要:The study admits that the small scale enterprises (SSEs) subsector offers more overwhelming attraction to the female gender due to the limited or negatively biased employment opportunities offered to the female gender by the formal sector in the typical African setting like Nigeria. It also affirms that the conventional disparity in the educational opportunities and other socio-political development variables confine the female gender to the informal subsector. However, the study found out that some archetypal traits more than demographic factors influence the performance of most small scale entrepreneurs. And that these archetypal traits are well distributed among Nigerians regardless of religions. Socio-cultural, geo-political background and even educational status. Furthermore it found out that though demographic factors also affect performance of SSEs, Using the exponential log, the most outstanding demographic factor that influence performance most was age 0.6606 2 1 x R followed by socio-economic status of the entrepreneur X4= 0.16317. Whereas competence t6 was the most favored trait with adjusted 0.5857 2 R followed by innovativeness 3 X and proactiveness X4 in that order.