期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This paper represents text extracting information (represented by data) from a sequence of images(video) is the main objective of Video segmentation. In order to extract and search important information from a hugeamount of video data, we are focusing on extraction of texts from video. However variations of the text due todifferences in text style, font, size, orientation, alignment as well as low image contrast and complex background makethe problem of automatic text extraction extremely difficult and challenging job. A large number of techniques havebeen proposed to address this problem and the purpose of this paper is to design algorithms for each phase of extractingtext from a video using java libraries and classes. Here first we frame the input video into stream of images using theJava Media Framework (JMF) with the input being a real time or a video from the database and considering theconnected component analysis form. We apply preprocessing algorithms to convert the shot-frame to gray scale andremove the disturbances like superimposed lines over the text, discontinuity removal, and dot removal. Then wecontinue with the algorithms for localization, segmentation, tracking and recognition.
关键词:Image Processing; Text Extraction; Text Recognition; Localization; Binarization; Segmentation; Text in;video.