出版社:Energiewirtschaftliches Institut an der Universität zu Köln
摘要:Governments worldwide spend increasing amounts of money on policy schemes to reduce energy consumptionand related carbon emissions. We investigate the actual treatment eect of energy eciencymeasures and therein compare actual demand responses to technological potentials. Based on a demandsystem analysis of household data and by approximating unobserved energy awareness, we nd economic andbehavioural responses that counteract expected savings from energy eciency. Results show strong reboundand even backring eects but also suggest heterogeneity of the eectiveness driven by behavioural concepts,such as sunk cost fallacy or habit formation. Understanding these can contribute to target-oriented policydesigns and increased eectiveness and eciency of policies
关键词:Policy evaluation; household demand; unobserved heterogeneity; energy eciency