出版社:Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
摘要:The article provides the results of investigation of peculiarities of aggressive behavior in people with suspended sentences. The main goal of the research was to reveal presence and patterns of peculiarities of aggressive manifestations in people with suspended sentences. The subject of the research was interrelation between coping-strategies, psychological defensive mechanisms and aggressive manifestations of the convicted. The hypothesis was that people with suspended sentences for violent crimes have high level of aggression and are inclined to aggressive behavior; connection of that type of behavior with inefficient copying-strategies and psychological defenses was suggested. The sample included 50 substitute sentenced men, divided into two sub-groups depending on violent or non-violent character of the crimes committed. The control group was comprised of 20 men without criminal background. The research results allowed to describe significant differences in the level and form of aggressive manifestations in different experimental groups. Furthermore correlational analysis was performed to reveal relations between aggressiveness level with using non-adaptive copying strategies and psychological defenses.