期刊名称:International Journal of Environmental Science and Development
摘要:AbstractThe growing water pollution is a major issue of concern for environmentalists all over the world. Water pollution is induced in cities due to the harmful and deleterious effluents from industries and also domestic sewage. The influx of these contaminants alters the physico-chemical and biological nature of the water in which they are disposed making rivers their largest victims. In the present paper, a conscious attempt has been made to study the impact of pollution river water ecology. Water samples from three industrially developing cities were taken at locations where the river enters and leaves each city. The changes in nature of the riverine water were evaluated on the basis of water quality parameters namely PH, BOD, COD, DO, total suspended and dissolved solids, total hardness, chlorides and sulphates. The total coliform count and feacal coliform is also used as an indicator. The results of these tests are represented graphically giving an implied relationship between increased industrial development and deteriorated water quality. The probable measures to curb these pollution hazards have also been discussed.
关键词:Domestic sewage; development rate; industrialization; pollution; water quality parameters