标题:Studying the Effect of Magnetic Force on Increasing the Drag Reduction Performance of Suspended Solids on the Turbulent Flow in Pipelines: An Experimental Approach
期刊名称:International Journal of Environmental Science and Development
摘要:Fluids transportation in pipelines tends to consume loads of energy because in moving fluid, energy will be dissipated mainly due to frictional drag, as well as turbulence.These energy losses are identified through pressure drop, which will results in more pumping power consumption.The significance of this study was to introduce a new scheme to reduce the turbulent drag, in which was the clue to the pumping power, and ultimately cost saving.In this study, magnetic field was investigated as a potential drag reduction technique along side with suspended metal solid particles i.e.iron.A custom-made portable magnetic device was used to apply magnetic force to the flow in the pipe.The new technique was tested experimentally in a closed loop liquid circulation system.Fluid flow rate, magnetic force, suspended iron particle size and concentration, where the main variables investigated in the present work.The experimental results showed that the presence of turbulence can be reduced under the influence of magnetic field..It also showed that the drag reduction is more superior towards smaller particle sizes and higher particle concentration.The maximum drag reduction value recorded for iron particle of size 45μm is 46%; 38% for size 120μm, both taken within the range of Re = 60000 and Re = 65000 at concentration 500ppm.
关键词:Drag reduction; magnetic field; pressure drop; suspended solids; turbulent flow