出版社:Foro para la EF y el Deporte de Castilla y León, Spain.
摘要:Este art¨ªculo examina el miedo al contacto percibido por el alumnado en tareas de iniciaci¨®n al voleibol. Se realiz¨® un an¨¢lisis de contenido de los diarios de pr¨¢cticas de 10 alumnos/as de primero de Educaci¨®n Secundaria Obligatoria ¨C12-13 a.os¨C del Instituto de Educaci¨®n Secundaria Ram¨®n y Cajal de Huesca (Espa.a). El tratamiento de la informaci¨®n se realiz¨® con el software NVIVO 10. Los resultados indican que el alumnado siente miedo al contacto en las tareas de voleibol; y que a mayor nivel de impacto de las tareas, mayor es el temor percibido. Se concluye que los programas de intervenci¨®n de iniciaci¨®n a los deportes (considerados de contacto o no) deben secuenciar las tareas seg¨²n su nivel de rudeza para facilitar la autorregulaci¨®n emocional del alumnado, y as¨ª, proveer de escenarios aptos para los procesos de ense.anza-aprendizaje
其他摘要:This article examines the fear of contact perceived by students learning to play the sport of volleyball. The study is based on a content analysis of the student journals of 10, first-year, secondary school students of physical education (aged 12-13) at the Ram¨®n y Cajal Institute of Secondary Education, in Huesca, Spain. Data was analysed using NVIVO 10 software. Results demonstrate that students feel fear on being faced with the possibility of contact when playing volleyball, furthermore, the higher the level of impact involved in the sport, the greater is the perception of fear. We conclude that intervention programmes for initiation to contact sports (whether contact sports or not) should sequence the activities in line with the levels of contact in order to facilitate the emotional self-regulation of the student, thereby offering more suitable scenarios for teaching-learning processes