期刊名称:Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research
出版社:University of Lueneburg
摘要:Abstract: Short Message Service (SMS) text messaging is a ubiquitous technology available on the vast majorityof cellphones in use in 2013. It provides a common technological denominator between mobile devices of nearlyevery make and model, supplying researchers an avenue to collect data without the expense and difficulty ofdesigning specific applications for every cellphone or device on the market. SMS/text messaging was used as amethod of data collection using a sample of students from a large, Midwestern university. The procedure adaptedconventional time use measurement procedures to fit the device, the sample, and the behavior of interest. Afteranswering questions on a brief Web survey, respondents were asked to text researchers for five days, updatingmajor changes in their activities. Following data collection, data from the text condition was compared to thatfrom a conventional (Web) survey and data from a reverse record check from campus recreation facilities tovalidate reports of the behavior of interest – physical exercise and activity. Findings suggest that respondentsprovided consistently high quality data on self-reports of the behaviors of interest. Moreover, paradata measuresof text data quality (e.g., number of text messages sent, number of days with messages) predict data quality onthe behavior of interest
关键词:time use; paradata; text messaging; cellphones; response validity